You searched for City|State: barboursville, wv
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Confederate Gen. Henry A. Wise's army occupied the Lower Kanawha Valley in June 1861. Union Gen. George B. McClellan assigned the task of driving them out to Gen. Jacob D. Cox, who massed his troops in Gallipolis, Ohio. Cox planned to cross the Oh…
Established, 1813. County seat moved here from Guyandotte and remained until taken to Huntington in 1887. Before the Guyandotte courthouse was chosen,court met at the home of William Merritt, 1809-1810, on Mud River near here.
Bridge named for Hershel "Woody" Williams, who as a corporal in 3rd Marine Div. during World War II won Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism against the Japanese at Iwo Jima, 23 February 1945.
This old toll house, built in 1837, stood below town of Barboursville on Guyan River bank; tolls collected on James River - Kanawha Turnpike from those using the ferry. Restored in 1950 by the D.A.R., Barboursville