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Dedicated to the memory of the Patriots of the Minisink region who died here July 22, 1779 in the defence of American Liberty.
Legend has it that the Indians and Tories of Joseph Brant set this stone to honor their dead and wounded who fell before the field of fire from the nearby plateau.
Hospital Rock is the most historically significant place on the battleground. Once Brant's men broke the Americans' defensive square late in the afternoon, it was in the shadow of this rock that Lt. Col. Benjamin Tusten, a physician from Goshen, a…
After the initial contact at the river, Col. Hathorn's remaining force, about forty men, conducted a fighting retreat until they reached high ground. Here they took up a position about two acres in size. Sentinel Rock, where you are now, marked th…
ErectedJuly 22d, 1879 Dedicatedto the memory of thePatriotsof theMinisink Regionwho died hereJuly 22, 1779in the defence ofAmerican Liberty >Erected by the Historical Societiesof the Minisink Countryand of the State of New York onthe sesquicent…
Although two attempts to recover the bodies of the fallen at Minisink Ford are recorded as having taken place in the weeks following the battle, it was not until 1822, forty-five years after the event, that the remains still lying here were gather…
On July 20, 1779, a party of eighty seven Tories and Iroquois Native Americans under the command of Capt. Joseph Brant raided the frontier settlement of Minisink (present day Port Jervis). The raid destroyed homes, farms and mills and was designed…
In July 1779, after raiding the settlement of Minisink, Loyalists and Native Americans under Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant ambushed and pursued Orange County and New Jersey militia. Revolutionary War Heritage Trail
Entrance to Battlefieldwhere July 22, 1779, N. Y.and N. J. Militia attackedMohawk and Tory raiders ofMinisink (Port Jervis).
On this hill, July 22, 1779,N. Y. and N. J. Militia weredecimated by Mohawks andTory raiders of Minisink,(Port Jervis) under Brant.