Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: bellefonte, pa

Showing results 1 to 10 of 16
A prominent African American journalist, as editor at Billboard magazine, Jackson promoted black theater during the 1920s Harlem Renaissance. He later fostered African American business activities for the US Dept. of Commerce. He was born and rais…
The ironmaster's home was at Rock. Here also were the first forge, 1794, and a nail and slitting mill. A founder of Bellefonte; leader in Centre County affairs until his death in 1832
Honored by the Veterans of Centre County as a true patriot. In sunshine or rain, cold or snow, Lucinda with her flags walked to this station from Bald Eagle Valley to salute the departure of thousands of Centre Countians as they boarded the "…
To honor the seven governors who at one time lived, worked, and learned in Bellefonte. William Bigler 1813-1880 Gov. Pennsylvania 1852-1854. William F. Packer 1807-1870 Gov. Pennsylvania 1858-1860. John Bigler 1805-1856 Gov. California 1852-18…
Original building erected - 1805. Columned porch added - 1835. Main building reconstructed - 1855. War monument erected - 1906. Rear addition erected - 1910. East edition erected - 1964. Courtyard renovated - 1971.
A Delaware Indian village named for a noted Munsee chief Woapalanne or "Bald Eagle." Located at union of Spring and Bald Eagle Creeks. From here raids on the frontier were made in Revolutionary days.
Baseball pioneer, born in Bellefonte, grew up here. Played for Providence, N.Y. Giants, Brooklyn, 1878-94. Pitched professional baseball's 2nd perfect game, 1880. Formed first players ' union, 1885, & Players' League, 1890. In Baseball Hall of Fame.
Governor of Pennsylvania, 1861-67, was born on this site. He brought about the establishment of State Normal Schools; organized the famed Pennsylvania Reserve Corps; obtained funds for the erection of State Orphan Schools.
The initial stop on the first scheduled west-bound air mail flight was made here by Pilot Leon D. Smith on December 18, 1918. The site for the field was chosen by pioneer aviator Max Miller and was in regular use for air mail until 1925.
Laid out by James Dunlop and James Harris, 1795. Named by Talleyrand for "beautiful fountain". Early center of the iron industry. One-time home of five of Pennsylvania's governors.