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Page 4 of 6 — Showing results 31 to 40 of 53
Craig County farm boy Add Caldwellwalked 26 miles to enroll here in 1872as the first student. The popular cadetmajored in agriculture and worked as ateacher, clerk, and salesman before hisdeath in 1910. Donated by the Class of 1956Sculpture by …
Price's Fork is within the area often referred to as the German New River Settlement. Before 1745, German immigrants moved from Pennsylvania and began settling in this region within the Price's Fork-Tom's Creek area near and along the horseshoe bo…
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University was founded in 1872 as a land-grant college specializing in agriculture and mechanics. The land-grant college system marked the beginning of scientific agricultural and industrial instruction in …
What is wrong with Stroubles Creek? Stroubles Creek is considered "impaired" by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality because it does not support a diverse community of aquatic insects and fish. The main pollutants are sediment and b…
Learn about your watershedA watershed or drainage basin, is the area of land where all the water that drains off it runs to a specific point on a watercourse, usually a confluence of stream or river. The Stroubles Creek watershed is a sub-water…
Faculty member 1900-1945Head, Horticulture Department 1902-1908Dean, School of Agriculture 1908-1945 An easy-going, amiable man, Harvey Lee Price served VPI for more than four decades after earning two degrees here. He moved quickly through the…
State Demonstration Agent 1907-1917 Called the father of farm demonstration and extension work in Virginia, Thomas Oldham Sandy was a progressive farmer who promoted improved scientific education in agriculture. He became the Commonwealth's fir…
Head, Department of Agronomy 1914-1945Dean, School of Agriculture 1946-1950 Thomas Barksdale Hutcheson lived in the dairy barn atVirginia Agricultural and Mechanical College andPolytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech), working his waythrough colle…
Director, Agricultural Extension Services 1919-1945President 1945-1947Chancellor 1947-1956President, VPI Foundation 1948-1962 Alumnus president John Redd Hutcheson worked tirelessly to prepare VPI for the flood of returningWorld War II veterans…
Professor 1903-1941Dean, Academic Department 1915-1920Chairman, English Department 1916-1941 Known as VPI's godfather of extracurricular activities, Carol Montgomery Newman headed the English and Language Departments, taught English and Rhetori…