Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: burlington, ks

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
In Memory of First Lieutenant William T. Fitzsimons, M.D. 1889 - 1917 Born in Burlington on April 18, 1889, Dr. Fitzsimons spent his childhood here, then graduated from the University of Kansas School of Medicine in 1912. Shortly after World War …
Marion Ellett Budd was a country printer who ranked with the best craftsmen in the printing industry. Most Easy came to Burlington on Sept. 1st, 1877. His Runt Park, as he called his place in Burlington, attracted thousands of curiosity seekers …
Home of the longest consecutivecounty fair in the State of KansasEstablished September 20, 1881
The Coffey County Agricultural and Mechanical Fair Association was established on November 27th, 1880, and the statement was made: "The fact of our need for this fair is proven by the interest taken in the matter by all classes of our citizens.…
Coffey County Courthouse1901-1964 Frederick and Isabelle Scott TroxellBuilt First Home in Coffey County-1854 August ZscheileBurlington Carriage Works Delos MillerSheriff - 1877 C. B. GravesCounty Attorney - 1876 W. H. BearRegister o…
Coffey County's Oldest Consecutively Published NewspaperEstablished 1859 John RedmondPublisher, 1898-1953 Bill BatdorfPublisher, 1953-1973 Floyd S. EcordPublisher, 1953-1973 Glenn GermanPublisher, 1973-1998 Gene TraylorMaster Printe…
Restoration Capital andPressed Metal Ceiling Capitalof Kansas Centennial 1857-1957Sesquicentennial 1857-2007Bi-Centennial 1857-2057 Fernando Augustus Atherly1835 - 1904First Mayor of BurlingtonElected 1870 Amarette Griffith Atherly1833 - …
ArchitectureCarnegie Free Library est. 1912——————ArtSunflowers in Coffey County——————CommerceWolf Creek Nuclear Power Plant——————CuisineBee…
This memorial and park is dedicated in 1992 to the veterans of Coffey County, both living and dead, who gave of their time and some their lives, to support the tenets of freedom and liberty that the United States of America and Coffey County, Kans…