Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: canton, ny

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In 1906, the State Legislature granted St. Lawrence University a charter to operate a School of Agriculture, since the nearest similar school was over 200 miles away at Cornell. The male student body was taught modern farming and dairying methods,…
St. Lawrence University's original gymnasium was built in 1896 where Gunnison Memorial Chapel stands today. When the old gym burned in May 1925, construction of the Brewer Field House son began. Named for Charles S. Brewer (class of 1891), the bui…
"...There was a dam behind Dishaw's foundry. A prolonged dry spell would lower the Grasse River until it didn't spill over the dam, but the water would still run through a raceway and help create a pool in a basin among the rocks some distance bel…
In the late 1800s Nathaniel and Barzillai Hodskin operated a pocket furnace, foundry and machine shop on Water Street. SLCHA [St. Lawrence County Historical Association] The industries on Falls Island and along Water Street did not operate indepen…
There had been a saw mill on or near Falls Island from the early 1800s. The James Spears Saw Planing and Shingle mill was located here in Falls Island in the 1800s. This view from the Canton Town Hall shows supplies of logs and lumber at the south…
Although today the land you are on may seem like a pleasant park, during most of the 19th century the island was not attractive and it wasn't always safe for the people who worked and did business here. Floods The spring floods, known as "freshets…
What looks like a small amphiteater from where you are now standing was the site of the H.H. Sickles Sash and Blind Factory. Here, water power was harnessed to run machines for planing, cutting, shaping, mortising, and finishing wood, and for crus…
The grist mill shown here was originally known as the St. Lawrence Mill. It was a three-story brick building erected by Lucius Moody in 1859-60 and for many years it was owed by D.W. Sherwin. Canton Town and Village Historian Of the ravages of swo…
Directly across this west channel is the site where the Eagle Mill was built in 1842 by Henry Van Rensselaer. This grist mill was a four-story, 45 by 65 foot sandstone structure. Over the years it passed through many hands, and in the early 2th ce…
Canton's Islands The Grasse River flows north to the St. Lawrence River and divides into west and east channels as it flows around the islands. Stillman Foote built the first sawmill and gristmill on the west bank of the Grasse River in 1801-02. G…