Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: cloverdale, ca

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Icaria-Speranza was a utopian community based on the writings of French philosopher Etienne Cabet. In 1881, at Cloverdale, French immigrant families led by the Dehay and Leroux families began their social experiment in cooperative living based on …
Here in 1881 Italian Swiss immigrants established an agricultural colony. Choice wines, produced from grape plantings from the old world, soon brought wide acclaim. By 1905, ten gold medals were awarded these wines at international competitions.
This property is listed in the National Register of Historic Palces by the United States Department of the Interior c. 1880 reg. 90002155
The "Cloverdale Reveille" is the oldest weekly newspaper continuously published under the same name in the state of California. Founded in the 1870s, and surviving the ups and downs of frontier journalism, the "Cloverdale Reveille" was adjudicated…
Gould-Shaw House Thomas Jefferson Gould, an Indiana born blacksmith, built this house, which has become an important part of the town history, in 1862. One of the few surviving examples of Gothic Revival architecture, the house is the oldest doc…