You searched for City|State: columbia, ca
Showing results 1 to 10 of 29
This building was built in 1856 by Charles Alberding and has a predominant history as a saloon. Over time different business owners created new names for the building including: Alberding Saloon, Pioneer Saloon, Oyster Saloon, Saint Charles Saloon…
After the 1857 Fire, many generations of immigrants made this modest structure their family home. The new tenants applied their special touches, redecorating or expanding it to suit their needs. At times, they saved money by using salvaged materia…
Established by Charles Maisson and a group of French goldseekers in 1851. Gold discovered in nearby Long Gulch in that year. At one time 300 miners lived here and traded at store, ruins of which are west of this monument. Regular pack trains broug…
This building was built as Madame Louis' French Laundry in 1856. The area to the right has remained a garden since 1852. In 1976 Grace Burns deeded as a gift cabin to U.O.P. which had used the property since 1952. State purchased it in 1991.
In MemoriamHon. Jesse M. Mayo1903 - 1953State Senator, authorof legislation creatingColumbia Historic State Park
At this historical site in 1850, over 3,000 prospectors worked. Over 10 million Dollars in Gold was extracted from Italian Bar & nearby "diggins".It is now private property owned by The Lost Dutchman's Mining Association.
No camping without per…
In Memory of the Hildreth Partyof Prospecting Miners
Thadeus HildrethGeorge HildrethJohn WalkerAlexander CarsonBilly JonesJohn Walker found gold near here on March 27, 1850, which led to the founding of Columbia
Armed with pickaxes,shovels and powerful jets of water miners, removed massive amounts of dirt and gravel to expose the marble limestone formations you see here today. Deep open-pit mines once extended for miles east and south of Columbia.
As g…
The inspiration to revive the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus, a benevolent society prominent in Gold Rush days, occurred fifty years ago to Carl I. Wheat as he traveled from Columbia down to Parrots Ferry on the Stanislaus River. E…
(On Marble Quarry Roadone mile from this site)Deposit discovered in1854 by John Grant.Produced the marble usedin Pacific Coast buildings.Still producing.