You searched for City|State: connellsville, pa
Showing results 1 to 10 of 14
Coal was mined in this region and transformed into coke in beehive ovens. Almost pure carbon, coke burns hotter than coal and was crucial to the success of Pittsburgh's steel making.
One of the largest coking complexes was Adelaide, founded by He…
Dedicated to the veterans of all wars. Their devotion, sacrifices and ideals have assured our liberties.
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This memorial presented by the Connellsville Sesqui-Centennial Association 1956. Dedicated November 11, 1958.
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The Youghiogheny River has cut a winding gorge through the Chestnut Ridge, the western-most uplift of the Appalachian Mountains. The tall ridges bordering the river are heavily forested but lack the tree species for which the ridge is names: the A…
Cedar Creek Gorge, 21.8 miles north. Off the main trail in Cedar Creek Park, you will find waterfalls and wildflowers, as well as a suspension bridge over the gorge. photo by Betsy Mandarino.Great
Tufta Formation, 20.5 miles north. A living, eve…
?You see in the distance Chestnut Ridge, the western edge of the Allegheny Mountains; behind you, you will not encounter mountains again until you reach the Rockies, more than 1,000 miles away. A ford of the Youghiogheny River known as Stewart's C…
The remains of the beehive coke ovens, that are visible on both sides of the Youghiogheny River, are some of the first in what became known as the "Connellsville Coke Region", with over 35,000 ovens in operation.
Coke, a hard, porous residue with…
Home of Colonel William Crawford 1766 to 1782Pioneer-Patriot-Civil ServantReconstructed in 1976 by Connellsville Area Historical Society and Fayette County Commissioners
British Major General Edward Braddock camped here at Stewart's Crossing on the banks of the Youghiogheny River, June 28-30, 1755. His goal was to reach Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) and drive the French from the area. He was accompanied by colonial m…
Dedicated to the memory of the men and women who served their country during the Revolutionary and all succeeding wars.
Motion picture pioneer, born in Connellsville. Developed concepts of film editing, screenplay, and other cinematic techniques. In early 20th century, he was America's leading director; his most famous film was "The Great Train Robbery," 1903.