Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: connersville, in

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(( Center Panel )) Honoring all who served in the United States Armed Forces Defending Liberty and Justice in All the WorldPresented by Veterans and Citizens of Fayette County 1986 (( First Left Panel )) * * * World War I * * *Killed …
This plaque marks the western border of the twelve mile cession negotiated by Governor William Henry Harrison with the Miami, Potawatomi, and Delawares, Treaty of Fort Wayne, September 30, 1809.
Erected 1831 by Oliver H. Smith. Later home of Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of Interior under Lincoln and Grand Master of Indiana Masons. Restored 1941 as home for local Masonic bodies.
1841 Built as Headquarters ofthe Whitewater Valley Canal Co. 1854 Savings Bank of Indiana Home of:Dr. S. W. Vance 1857-1936 Congressman and Mrs. Finly H. Gray 1936-1947 1947 - 1971 V. F. W. Post 571 1971 - 1973 Restored by Histo…
In 1836 construction began on this fifty-six lock, one hundred one mile canal. Opened from Lawrenceburg to Brookville (1839), it was extended to Laurel and Cincinnati (1843), Connersville (1845), Cambridge City (1846), and Hagerstown (1847).