You searched for City|State: durant, ok
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During the late 1830s and early 1840s, Chickasaw Indians removed by the United States Government from Alabama and Mississippi passed near here on their way to a new home in present-day south-central Oklahoma. In 1837 alone, and estimated 6,000 Ch…
"Kind and sympathetic by nature, generous to a fault, he was an honest man of noble impulses, and born and bred a gentleman." These were the words of a contemporary of General Douglas Hancock Cooper, C.S.A.
Cooper was appointed U.S. Agent to the…
Site selected and named 1842, by Gen. Zachary Taylor, lster Pres. of U.S. Fort established 1842 by 2nd Dragoons, occupied by several rifle, infantry, cavalry, and artillery companies. Built to protect the Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians from the Pla…