You searched for City|State: edwardsburg, mi
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In 1831, Luther Humphrey of the American Home Missionary Society organized the Presbyterian Church of Edwardsburg. He described the village as "a few log cabins...standing amongst the bushes and brush." Members worshipped in homes until the chapel…
The District No. 5 bell was originally installed in 1875. The Bell was removed from the building in 1964, during remodeling, and sold to a local farmer. It was later sold to James Loop, who took it to his home in Wichita, Kansas. In 1996, the bell…
This late-Victorian schoolhouse was built in 1874-75. Constructed at a cost of $3,000, it is made of locally manufactured yellow and red brick. The 1882 Cass County History described it as "the best rural schoolhouse in the State." Its two classro…