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ESU's mascot "Corky" the Hornet made his debut in 1933 when Paul Edwards (BSE 1937) designed him as a part of a campus-wide competition Dedicated August 17, 2004President of Emporia State UniversityDr. Kay SchallenkampOriginal DesignPaul Edward…
The Associated Press reports carrying the news of Mary White's death declared that it came as the result of a fall from a horse. How she would have hooted at that! Horses have fallen on her and with her - "I'm always trying to hold 'em in my lap,"…
Medal of HonorSgtUS Marine CorpsWorld War IIFeb 14 1918Jul 8 1944——————Sergeant Grant R. TimmermanUnited States Marine Corps WWIIKIA 8 July 1944 Saipan IslandUnited States Navy Medal of HonorPurple Heart Medal w…
Dedicated tothe men and womenof the Revolutionary Warwho fought forAmerican Independence Placed byEmporia Chapter DARto celebrate NSDAR Centennial1890-1990
In memory ofUnited StatesMerchant Marine VeteransofForeign Wars
In memory and honorof the men and womendead and livingwho served the United Statesin the Korean War
Dedicated to theFlying Tigersof Gen. Claire Lee ChenaultC.B.I. Theater W.W.II In honor ofLt. William I. LoomisKilled in Action Sept. 20, 1944,at Paoshan, Chinaserving in U.S. Army14th Air Force
In Recognition of the 2nd Marine DivisionAsian-Pacific Campaign World War IIThe Battle for the Gilbert Islands In Memory of Pfc. Floyd Everett CampbellKilled in action during the amphibiouslanding on Tarawa 20 November 1942Purple Heart presente…
The men of the 38th Bomber Group, United States Army 5th Air Force, W.W.IIin honor ofCol. Edwin H. HawesKilled in Action 9 August 1945Kyushu, Japan Pacific TheaterS.S., D.F.C. P.H. B.S. A.M.
In honor of the Mexican American men and women of Emporia, Kansas, who proudly served their country Killed in Action WWIIJesse Garcia · Robert Ramirez