You searched for City|State: fitzgerald, ga
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Who gave their service during the World War
"You triumphed over obstacles which would have overcome men less brave and determined"
President McKinley
Hiker of ?98 (on base of soldier)
Dedicated to the Veterans of 1898 -1902 By the Camps and Auxiliaries of the Department of Georgi…
Ozias Primitive Baptist Church was constituted July 14, 1832. Elders Wilson Conner and John Martial were the Presbytery. Members were John McDonald, Randall McDonald, Elijah Hunter, Penelope Hunter, Catherine McCall, Mary McDonald, Elizabeth McDon…
On May 4, 1865, Jefferson Davis arrived in Washington, Georgia (178 miles NE of the Park), where he performed his last duties as President of the Confederate States of America. Shortly thereafter, with a small staff and escort, he departed enroute…
Founded at Swan in 1895 by Mr. Philander H. Fitzgerald, lawyer, veteran and publisher of the AMERICAN TRIBUNE of Indianapolis, as a soldiers' colony in the South. Fitzgerald was settled by Union veterans who, tired of Northern winters, flocked fro…
Ben Hill County, created by Act of July 31, 1906 from Irwin and Wilcox Counties, was named for Benjamin Harvey Hill (1823-1882), "one of America's greatest orators." A staunch supporter of the administration in the Confederate Senate, after the Wa…
This was the home of General William Jordan Bush, last survivor of the 125,000 heroes from Georgia who fought for the South. Gen. Bush was born near Gordon, Ga. July 10, 1845, and died here Nov. 11, 1952. In the War Between the States he was a pri…
Late on May 8, the night before his arrival at this site, Mr. Davis and his party had camped in Abbeville (26 miles NE), unaware that pursuit was close behind. Their pursuers, the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry (US), Lt. Col. Henry Harnden, had learned in …
This bell was awarded to the First Baptist Church by Governor William J. Northen (1833-1913) to honor the first church built in the Colony City of Fitzgerald. Governor Northen was an outstanding Baptist layman who graduated from Mercer University …
(front):Jefferson Davis
Presidentof theConfederate Statesof America1861-1865
(reverse): On this spotMay 10, 1865President Jefferson Daviswas made aprisoner of warby Federal troops
Erected by theState of GeorgiaEugene Talmadge, governorin …