You searched for City|State: florence, al
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In 1872, Catholics of German ancestry settled on the former Wilson Plantation and established the town of St. Florian. St. Michael's Church was built south of the road, moved to the present site in 1878, and replaced the present building in 1916. …
This Twentieth century business and residential area was developed by John D. Weeden Jr. during the building of Wilson Dam and the World War I Defense Plants. Weeden Heights was carved from 3,800-acre Sweetwater Plantation, the former home of his …
In 1872, Father A. J. Houser, Director of the Homestead Society of Cincinnati, Ohio founded St. Florian. He subdivided the land for German immigrants who became independent landowners, built homes and reared their families. Many of the descendants…
Built by Theophilus Brown Larimore and his wife, Esther Gresham Larimore, as a home and educational center. Near site of foundry and arsenal of War Between The States, it served as a school, 1871-1887, to train ministers and Christian workers of t…
McVay (1766~1851), South Carolina native, built a three room log house at head of Cox's Creek about 1818. Community later called Mars Hill. He was a member of Mississippi Territorial Legislature, delegate to convention of 1819 which framed Alabama…
Cavalry Commander under Andrew Jackson throughout War of 1812:(Creek War, Pensacola, New Orleans).Negotiated many treaties ceding Indian lands to U.S. Made original surveys of Tennessee Valley.
Following his tragic defeat at Franklin and Nashville, General John B. Hood managed to escape over the Tennessee River at Bainbridge Ferry, a few miles south of here on December 26, 1864. Two corps under General Benjamin Cheatham and Stephen D. Le…
This boulevard was named in honor of Dr. Leonard Jerry Hicks by the City of Florence in 1981. Dr. Hicks was a prominent Black leader of the community and was recognized for his skills as a physician across the State of Alabama. He was born Septemb…
The land on which this district rests was part of the 1818 sale by the Cypress Land Company which established the City of Florence. During The Civil War Confederate soldiers constructed breastworks here for the defense of Florence. House construct…
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this tower of native stone was completed in 1890 as the foundation for a wrought- iron tank with a capacity of 280,000 gallons of water. It is 70 feet high and is located on the highest elevation…