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Page 10 of 19 — Showing results 91 to 100 of 187
On the morning of July 9, 1864, John T. Worthington sent his family to safety in the cellar. From an upstairs window he watched Confederate General McCausland lead his cavalry brigade of 1,400 men into an ambush. Concealed behind a fence and waist…
At about 5:00 p.m. on July 9, 1864, the Confederates stormed the Union line on the Georgetown Pike. Union General Wallace ordered the withdrawal and chaos soon followed. With Confederates in hot pursuit, Union troops fled past Gambrill Mill, then …
After Union General Wallace ordered the covered bridge burned, the railroad bridge became the only route of escape for Lieutenant Davis and his men, who were seperated from the rest of the Union forces by the river. His troops fought bravely all m…
On the morning of July 9, 1864, C. Keefer Thomas hosted two Union officers at his breakfast table, talking about the impeding battle. Later that morning as the battle drew near, the Thomas family, with several houseguests, neighbors, enslaved labo…
On the morning of July 9, six-year-old Glenn Worthington was ushered into the farmhouse cellar with his family and their slaves. The windows had been boarded with thick oak boards and tubs of drinking water were placed in the cellar. Young Glenn p…
In June 1864, with Union Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant intent on destroying Confederate General Robert E. Lee's army, Lee developed a bold plan to capture Washington, D.C. He sent Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early with 15,000 troops to invad…
About 8 o'clock a dash was made by the enemy under cover of artillery fire, to drive us from out position, hoping to gain the pike, and proceed on their way to Washington. — Private Daniel B. Freeman, Company G, 10th Vermont Infantry On t…
The Union troops held the Confederates at bay for most of the day. Around 4:30 p.m. the Union front collapsed and fell back to the Georgetown Pike, where they used the protection of the road bank in their final stand. The Union soldiers fronted Th…
This boulder, taken from the bed of the improved Rt. 355 (formerly US Rte. 240) previously stood approximately 50 ft to the south at a point where the old Urbana Road/Georgetown Pike (now Araby Church Road) intersects the relocated improved highwa…
Sir Winston Churchillvisited theBarbara Fritchie Housewhile en route withFranklin D. Rooseveltfrom "Shangri-la" to Washington, D.C.
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