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Page 89 of 120 — Showing results 881 to 890 of 1199
Position OccupiedbyDetachmentsof the1st. & 2d. RegimentsUnited States CavalryDuring July 3d. 1863
(Front Top):6th.Penna. Cavly.LancersReserve Brigade1st DivisionCavalry CorpsArmy of thePotomac(Front Base):GettysburgJuly 3, 1863.Number engaged 365Killed 3. Wounded 7. Missing 2.(Right Base): Mustered in Oct. 31st. 1861. (Left Base): Mustered …
Army of the PotomacCavalry CorpsSecond Brigade Horse ArtilleryBattery K First U.S. ArtillerySix 3 inch RiflesCaptain William M. Graham commandingJuly 3 Arrived on the field and took position on the left with Cavalry and engaged during the attack o…
Army of the PotomacCavalry CorpsReserve Brigade First DivisionSecond U.S. CavalryCaptain Theo. F. Rodenbough commandingDetachment at Headquarters Army of the PotomacJuly 3 Moved with the Brigade at 12 m. under Brig General W. Merritt from Emmitsbu…
Army of the PotomacCavalry CorpsReserve Brigade First DivisionFirst U.S. CavalryCaptain Robert S. C. Lord commandingDetachment at Headquarters Army of the PotomacJuly 3 Moved with the Brigade at 12 m under Brig. General W. Merritt from Emmitsburg …
Army of the PotomacCavalry Corps First DivisionReserve BrigadeBrig. Gen. Wesley Merritt6th Pennsylvania1st. 2d. 5th. 6th. United States CavalryJuly 1 Engaged in picketing and patrolling the roads through the mountains detachments scouting the coun…
Army of the PotomacCavalry CorpsReserve Brigade First DivisionSixth U.S. CavalryMajor Samuel H. Starr CommandingDetachment at Headquarters Army of the PotomacJuly 3 Moved at 12 m. with the Brigade from Emmitsburg to attack the Confederate right an…
Army of the PotomacSixth Corps Second DivisionSecond BrigadeCol. Lewis A. Grant2d. 3d. 4th. 6th. Vermont InfantryJuly 2 Arrived about 5 p.m. after a march of 33 miles from Manchester Md. Moved to the left later and at dark to the extreme left with…
(Right):First Vermont Brigade,Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Regiments,Second Brigade, Second Division, Sixth Corps.—————————Organized in the summer of 1861 by Major General William F.…
Army of the PotomacFifth Corps Artillery ReserveBattery CMassachusetts Light ArtillerySix 12 poundersLieut. A.F. Walcott commandingJuly 3 At 3 a.m. moved to and occupied this position until the close of the battle.
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