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Page 92 of 120 — Showing results 911 to 920 of 1199
(Front):New York - GettysburgSecond Fire ZouavesMajor Michael W. Burns commandingSickles' Excelsior BrigadeColonel William R. Brewster——————Second DivisionBrig. General A.A. Humphreys————…
(Front):Ninth Mass.BatteryCaptain BigelowJuly 2, 1863.Killed - Wounded2 Officers 13 Non-Comm Officers 65 Enlisted Men 1310 Total 2080 Horses(Back):9th Massachusetts BatteryCapt. John Bigelow1st Position left gun Wheatfield Road4.30 to 6 p.m. July …
(Front):Fifth Massachusetts Battery(Right):7 enlisted men killed1 officer, 12 enlisted men wounded700 rounds firedChas. A. Philips Capt. Comdg.July 2, 1863.(Left):The Nation LivesReserve Artillery
10th Independent BatteryNew York Light Artillery1st Volunteer BrigadeArtillery ReserveJuly 2nd 1863. Attached to 5th MassachusettsLight Battery (E). CasualtiesKilled 2. Wounded 3. Organized as the 2ndExcelsior Battery.Mustered into U.S. S…
Army of the PotomacArtillery ReserveFirst Volunteer BrigadeLieut. Col. Freeman McGilvery 5th Mass. Battery E(10th New York Battery Attached)Capt. Charles A. Phillips 9th Mass. BatteryCapt. John Bigelow, Lieut. Richard S. Milton 15th New Y…
(Back Inscription):15thIndep't. N.Y.Light Battery.1st. Brigade,Artillery Reserve.———Captain Patrick HartLieut. Edward M. Knox———Formerly Light Battery B.Irish BrigadeJuly 2nd. 1863.Killed 3, wounded 13.Total los…
(Front):Erected by the State of MichiganTo her martyrs & Heroeswho fought in defense ofliberty and union3rd Michigan Inftry 3rd Brig. 1st Div. 3rd Corps.Mustered inatGrand RapidsMich.June 10th 1861. Army PotomacFirst Bull RuntoAppomattox(Back):…
(Front):3rdMaine Inft'y2nd Brigade1st Division3rd CorpsStrength of regimentmorning of July 2nd14 officers and 196 men(Left):Detached from the Brigade. Fought here in the afternoon of July 2nd, 1863. Having been engaged in the forenoon at point in …
(Front):2d New HampshireVol. Inft.3. Brig. 2. Div. 3. Corps.(Left):Engaged24 Officers, 330 Enlisted menJuly 2, 1863.(Right):CasualtiesOfficers7 killed 14 woundedEnlisted Men18 killed 119 woundedmissing 35
Erected by the survivorsof the 68th Reg. P.V.Scott LegionCol. A. H. Tirpin commanding1st Brigade 1st Division3rd Army Corps.In memory of183 of our comradeswho fell on this fieldJuly 2nd and 3rd 1863.
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