Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: grass valley, ca

Showing results 1 to 10 of 28
Union Hill School was established in March 1868 as a one-room schoolhouse on the grounds of Union Hill Mine. On June 26, 1875, an argument over a trustee election took place at the schoolhouse, resulting in a stabbing and subsequent death. Three d…
This building is known as The Old Post Office. It was built in 1914 by the United States Government as the Grass Valley Post Office. From 1914 until 1984 the Post Office functioned form mail, package and gold shipments from the many mines in the a…
Since 1952 bridges near this site have served as the gateway to western Nevada County. This 1924 span was the first concrete bridge at this site and features a Roman style single arch design, constructed in a continuous pour method. The Colfax …
This three stamp mill was donated to the City of Grass Valley by Mrs. Stella Tracy, owner of the famous Red Ledge Mine near Washington, Nevada County, where this mill crushed tons of gold bearing ore for many years. It is erected here in memory…
In her home which occupied this site, Lola's Social Salon 1853 - 55 attracted men of vision whose investments and technology founded Nevada County's gold quartz mining industry. She brought culture and refinement to this rude mining camp. A mistre…
Edward Coleman built this house in 1866 and lived here, with his wife Luisa, until 1891. He was Pres/Supt of the Idaho Mine. Director of Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad and owned interests in the Mohawk Lumber Company.
This building, housingReliance Hose Co. No. 3Since 1891, is hereby markedfor preservation, thus honoringThe Volunteer Fire Departmentof Grass ValleyMarch 26, 1988 100th Anniversary ofManzanita Parlor No. 29Native Daughters of the Golden West
The tablet commemorates thediscovery of gold-bearing quartz
Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad ran from here 5 miles N. to Nevada City and 17 miles S. to Colfax. Built 1874-76 by John F. Kidder whose home is N.E. corner. Depot and shops were 50 yards N. Rails removed 1942. Sarah, widow of builder was firs…
Born in Wurtenburg, Germany on January 2, 1828, David Binkelmann came to Grass Valley in 1853, after only a year as a new immigrant in New York. He mined for a time on Wolf Creek, then worked in a bakery. He became a renter of the business , but a…