You searched for City|State: greenville, fl
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Robert M. Hendry moved from Georgia and purchased farmland in the Shady Grove area in 1852. Reverend Henry, a Methodist Circuit Rider in Florida and Georgia, served as the pastor of Friendship Church in Madison County. In 1872, members of the cong…
(side 1)For the glory of God, the church was constituted June 20, 1841. The charter members were: Richard J. and Eliza Mays; Joshua W.P. and Mary McCall; William T., Elizabeth and Harriet Johnson; black servants, Elbert, Phillis, Marmadore, April,…
(side 1)To The Glory of The Most High God a group of Christians led by the Reverend John Gramling organized Shiloh Methodist Church here, December 24, 1845. Born in 1785 in South Carolina, the son of German Emigrants Adam and Elizabeth Gassoway Gr…
This home is a reconstruction of the home where musician Ray Charles (1930-2004) lived with his mother, Aretha Williams, and adopted grandmother, Margaret "Muh" Robinson, shortly after his birth in 1930, until about the age of five. "RC", as Ray w…