You searched for City|State: guntown, ms
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From 500 hundred yards north and extending more than a mile south, across the Guntown Road, this Line, behind rail fences and dense scrub-oak thickets fought stubbornly as the Confederates pushed on to the Crossroads. Hand to hand fighting along t…
at 1:00 o'clock. General Forrest's men were all on the field ready for action.
From a quarter of a mile north and extending more than a mile south across the Guntown Road the Confederates formed a pincers movement against the enemy.
Along the ridge north-east, General Barteau's 2nd Tennessee flanked the Union forces, creating havoc among white and negro soldiers of General Sturgis' command.
Retreating wagons blocked bridge. General Forrest captured 200 Wagons, 14 pieces of artillery and hundreds of men. Artillery fire from the Crossroads killed hundreds of Federals here.
Organized in 1852 by the Alabama Presbytery, Bethany Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church had a charter membership of twenty-five including four slaves. The church was used as a hospital in 1864 following the Battle of Brice's Cross Roads. The p…