You searched for City|State: hanover, pa
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Fragments of several Union and Confederate cavalry regiments continued to fight a running battle as they galloped on horseback along Frederick Street. Other Confederate bands had retreated down the intersecting alleys and streets. This action quic…
By the time the counter attack on the 5th New York Cavalry Regiment had reached this area, the center of Hanover was once again under Union control. The New Yorkers continued along Frederick Street but were soon halted by gunfire from Confederate …
The ground occupied by the Confederate cavalry during the Battle of Hanover was the rich, rolling farmland found in much of southern Pennsylvania. On the eastern side of the Westminster Road there was a field of timothy, a grass widely grown for h…
Possibly less than twenty minutes after the first shots, Hanover was once again in Union control. Although the intense fighting along Frederick Street had subsided, the conflict was far from finished. A standoff ensued as the Confederates retreate…
This painting by Civil war artist Dale Gallon is one of four paintings featuring Civil War weapons.
George Armstrong Custer had been promoted from Captain to Brigadier General on June 28, 1863, and been given command of the Michigan Brigade, wh…
In early June 1863, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia led by General Robert E. Lee began to leave its camps in Virginia and march northward to Pennsylvania. Lee hoped that a victory on Northern soil might break the will of the Northern pop…
On June 30, 1863, General J. Kilpatrick's Union Cavalry, hunting Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry, were attacked here by Stuart. Repulsed, Stuart tried to join early; finding him gone, he marched to Carlisle, failing to reach Gettysburg until July 2.
Those heroic men of Hanover, Pennsylvania and vicinity, who gave their lives for their country in World War II
Leon R. Ackerman · Eugene L. Alwood · Milton E. Appler · Edward C. Amspacher · Harper E. Baker · V…
1732 - 1932Stopped at an inn located on this site when passing through Hanover during his presidency. In commemoration of which event this tablet has been erected and dedicated by the Bicentennial Committee of Hanover Pennsylvania in Honour of hi…
On June 30, 1863, Gen. Kilpatrick, commanding the Third Division of the Union Cavalry, took headquarters in this building after part of his forces had been attacked by Confederate Cavalry SE of town.