You searched for City|State: hastings, mn
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The Mississippi River has been a source of recreation for many generations. People have long enjoyed its beauty and marveled at its power.
This is more true than ever today. Boating, hiking, and bird watching all draw people to the river. In 19…
The natural river above Hastings was treacherous for steamboats, with a depth that reached only three and one-half feet in some places. The first efforts of the federal government to improve navigation of the river were wing dams (piles of rock an…
From 1856 to 1865, in its first decade of existence, the city of Hastings grew by 2,500 people, enjoying a boom of settlement also experienced by other cities along the Mississippi.
A steady flow of settlers, including many immigrants, contribu…
As Hastings quickly grew and settlement in the area increased, this port city soon became the commercial center for Dakota County farmers.
Farmers brought wagons full of crops to the Hastings market, and then returned home driving wagons full o…
The Father of WatersThe Mighty MissThe Great River
Source: Lake Itasca MN 552 River MilesMouth: Gulf of Mexico 1788 River MilesThis natural water highway made possible many of man's experiences on the North American continent. The Hastings Leve…
This levee honors all who served in our nation's armed forces and is dedicated to the eternal memory of those who gave their lives.
Hastings, Minnesota25 July 1981
In Honor and Memoryof All Men and WomenWho Served Our CountryDuring War and Peace inthe Armed Forces of theUnited States of America
Duty · Honor · Country
Hasting lies just south and East of the last glaciation. About 20,000 years ago a lobe of ice, called the Superior lobe, advanced from the Lake Superior basin and crossed the ancient bedrock valley of the Mississippi River between St. Paul and Has…