You searched for City|State: henderson, tn
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The campus includes the sites of predecessors Henderson Male and Female Institute (1869-1885), West Tennessee Christian College (1885-1897), Georgie Robertson Christian College (1897-1907), and National Teachers Normal and Business College (1907-1…
The Jacks Creek community was settled in the 1820s in Henderson (now Chester) County. It furnished men to the 13th Infantry, 18th Newsome's and 21st Wilson's Calvary units, C.S.A., and was the site of a skirmish 1 mi. N on Sept. 12, 1863, and an a…
Attacking this place at dawn, the Confederate cavalry battalion of Maj. N.N. Cox killed one Federal soldier, captured three officers and 33 enlisted men of "B" Co., 49th Illinois Infantry, and dispersed the rest. They burned the railroad station a…