You searched for City|State: herkimer, ny
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This tablet is erected by the peopleof the County of Herkimerin grateful remembranceof the valiant and distinguished servicesof the Thirty-Fourth RegimentNew York State Volunteer Infantryin the War of the Rebellionunder the command ofColonel James…
Fred'ck StaringKnown as Frederick Starnson VA Frontier; Lost sons &grandsons in Revolutionary War1777-80; Patriarch of oldSouthern family Starn(e)s
Site ofEarly Village Burying Ground.Many graves were removed toOak Hill Cemetery in 1897to create Myers Park
1834 JailIn 1906, Chester Gillettewas held here during hisfamous trail for the murderof Grace Brown, basis fornovel "An American Tragedy."
Statue of General Nicolas HerrhheimerGift of Hon. Warner MillerPlaced on the boulder and presented toThe Village of Herkimer byGeneral Nicholas Herkimer ChapterD.A.R.In Memory ofThose who have died for our Country
[First Frame of Text]: Fort Dayton
During the American Revolution the residents of this area were protected by Fort Dayton. It stood right here, in the area bounded by North Main, East German, North Washington and Court Streets. The fort was bu…
This site was within the stockade ofFort Daytonwhich stood on a slight eminence aboutone hundred yards farther north.The fort was erected by Col. Elias Daytonin 1776, served as a military base duringthe Revolutionary War, and finally in 1781,becam…
40 mile route taken by Gen. Herkimer Aug. 3-6, 1777 for the relief of Fort Stanwix. The Battle of Oriskany Aug. 6, between Herkimer's men and St. Leger with his Indians was the turning point of the Revolution.
At Fort Dayton, near this site,Gen…
This monument marks the site where Lt. Solomon Woodworth and his men fell in battle on September 7th, 1781 during the Revolutionary War.