You searched for City|State: kansas city, mo
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Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States National Headquarters Memorial
Dedicated 21 April 1980
Old Glory proudly waves over the hallowed ground gathered from more than 200 battlefields in which the armed forces of our country have been…
VFW Centennial Plaza is dedicated to America's brave men and women who have and are currently serving in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Cost Guard. "Freedom is not Free." A grateful nation thanks you.
Dedicated October 5, 2001
In 1999 - The 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars - this bronze statue was commissioned to commemorate the organization's first century of service to veterans, those in uniform and the com…
English Side
One of America's oldest and most prestigious livestock expositions, the American Royal, is situated in the very spot where Kansas City, the gateway to the agricultural West, had its beginnings. This little French-speaking enclave b…
Built in 1901 by Irish immigrants, Edward and Mary Flavin to continue their established Flavin Grocery. The upper loft was their residence. In 1917, the grocery passed to their daughter and son-in-law Margaret & James M. (Jim) Browne, Sr. The name…
On September 15, 1806, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark returning from the Pacific, stood on this point and recorded in their journal that this was a commanding situation for a fort and that from the top of the hill you have a perfect command of…
In memory of Miss Louisa P. Johnston, great-granddaughter of Alexander Majors, whose steadfast determination led to the preservation of this house to honor him and the historic transportation firm of Russell, Majors and Waddell
and in recognition…
When Alexander Majors completed this house and its accompanying, but now demolished barns and pens, it formed a trading terminus for the firm of Russell, Majors and Waddell. By 1858 the firm was responsible for a force of 3,500 wagons carrying fre…
The inspiration for the design of this tower came from the original Giralda Tower which is a part of the great cathedral of Seville, Spain
Dr. McKenzie was a surgeon, physician, educator, artist and sculptor. In addition he was also an athlete, a teacher, a writer and a volunteer Scouter.
A personal friend of Scouting's founder, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, he shared with B-P his beli…