Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: lewisburg, pa

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Organized in 1846 as the University at Lewisburg by the Baptist Church. Named Bucknell University in 1886, honoring William Bucknell, donor and trustee. Degrees first conferred upon women students in 1885.
The famed hymn-writer lived in this house, 1869-75. Here, some of his best known hymns were written. His music was sung in many foreign lands. One of his works is, "Shall We Gather at the River." Lowry died in 1899.
Founder of Lewisburg, 1785. Lived here in a log house incorporated in the present structure. Nearby, he operated a trading post and a grist and saw mill. Derr died in Nov. 1785.
This old stable was a station on the Underground Railroad. Here fugitive slaves were hidden, fed, and aided in reaching the next station on their journey.
Formed March 22, 1813 out of Northumberland County. Its name honors the Federal Union. The county seat was first Mifflinburg, and after 1815 it was New Berlin. Lewisburg, county seat since 1855, was incorporated 1822 and is home of Bucknell Univer…
Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army during the first World War and military counselor to President Wilson at the Versailles Peace Conference, was born in this house on December 31, 1853.
Completed in 1833 as a part of Pennsylvania Canal. It was 5/8 mile long and had 3 lift locks. A dam provided slack water, enabling boats to cross the river, thus creating a great trade center here.