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"Gen. [Edward] Johnson ? cheered us on to the fight with ?Hurrah for North Carolina, go it North Carolina—give it to them boys!' ? The Federals were as thick as black birds in our front." — Capt. Thomas Boone, 1st North Carolina Infant…
"There was a sudden commotion in the train ahead and several of the ambulances turned and came back in confusion. General [George H.] Steuart promptly ordered them back to their places, faced the brigade into line to the left and deployed skirmish…
"The ground in my front for about 500 yards was thickly wooded and brushy, and beyond that was a cleared field owned by a man named Payne." — Gen. Edward Johnson, CSA "On account of the density of the undergrowth in the woods and the abse…
"The brave officers and men of this division, attacked by a greatly superior force from an admirable position, turned upon him and drove him from the field, which he left strewn with arms, artillery and infantry ammunition, his dead and dying." &m…
"The promptness with which this unexpected attack was met and repulsed reflects great credit upon General Johnson and the officers and men of his division." — Gen. Robert E. Lee, CSA "The delay in the movements of the Third Corps, and, pa…
In the campaign of 1781, the Marquis de Lafayette marched through the Wilderness to rendezvous with Brig. Gen. "Mad Anthony" Wayne. On 3 June 1781, Lafayette's army camped to the south of the Wilderness Bridge across Wilderness Run from Ellwood. T…
Spotswood park is dedicated to Captain John Spotswood born circa 1748, grandson of Royal Lieutenant Governor Alexander Spotswood of Virginia. Captain John Spotswood, soldier of the American Revolution, served honorably as a member of the Continent…
This is the story of Orange GroveYou are standing on land that was owned by the same family for over 200 years, from colonial days to the beginning of Lake of the Woods. Alexander Spotswood, Lt. Gov. of the Colony of Virginia 1710 - 1722, obtai…
Alexander Dandridge SpottswoodHe spelled his name with two t's, known "as a gentleman of the old school," he referred back to the spelling of the name his ancestors used in Scotland, Spottiswoode. 1836 - Born in the house at Orange Grove on Nov…
"The Last crop of the old field had been corn and among its stubble that day were sown the seeds of glory."Morris Schaff, USA Staff Tucked away in the Wilderness's trackless forest were several small clearings, where families with names like Hi…