Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: los alamitos, ca

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
The St. Isidore Catholic Parish was established in 1921. Parishioners met for services at the local Felts Market or the Harmona Hotel, whichever could accommodate them. In 1922, the parishioners asked the Bixby Land Company for a piece of the land…
This nine-foot band saw is among the largest log saw ever used in the sawmill industry. It weighs over 38,000 pounds and has a blade that stretches over 56 feet in length. This saw was used to cut Douglas Fir and Ponderosa Pine logs up to ten feet…
The first sugar beet processing plant in Orange County was built here in 1897 on land donated by the Bixby Land Company. The industry brought jobs and development that created the new town of Los Alamitos. Although nematode infestation of the suga…