You searched for City|State: lyons, ks
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
This land was deeded
to the
City of Lyons
by J. W. and Mahala
August 7, 1882
This tablet dedicated
to their memory
by a grateful citizenry
In memory of theDefenders of our Union1861 - 1865
Dedicated to thehonor and sacrifice of ourmen and womenwho served our countryin war and peace
[Content in title]
[Part of the markers denoting the route of the trail]
This Cross is erected to the memory of Father Padilla, Franciscan Missionary, who stood with Coronado at the erection of the first Christian Cross on these prairies. Father Padilla devoted his life to the service of the Cross and to the Indians of…
One mile south is the hand-dug wel that served the U.S. Cavalry and Santa Fe Trail travelers in the 1860s.
For five days in July, 1864, 600 Indians besieged a trading post near the well and a wagon train nearby. When the attackers tried to over…
Eighty years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, Spanish explorers visited Kansas. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, seeking gold in New Mexico, was told of Quivira by an Indian called the Turk. Here were "trees hung with golden bells and pe…