Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: mahopac, ny

Showing results 1 to 10 of 18
First Roman Catholic Church was built here in 1869. New York City took land for watershed in 1902. The town was razed and the church was relocated to the shore of Lake Mahopac.
Court martial convoy passed here after the Benedict Arnold treason. They met George Washington at West Point and Andre was hanged at Tappan, NY on October 2, 1780.
Grandest hotel in Mahopac at the peak of the Resort Era from 1844 until it burned in 1878. In 1918 the first Mahopac Central School was built here, moved by 1938.
Until 1760 Grand Island was a sacred site of the Wappinger Indians whose Chief Sachem was Daniel Nimham. By 1880 the Blackberry Iron Mine took ore to shore by ferry.
Court martial convoy passed here after the Benedict Arnold treason. They met George Washington at West Point and Andre was hanged at Tappan, NY on October 2, 1780.
A boarding house in 1852, Amzi Dean expanded to a large hotel. Recreation on Lake Mahopac and a 9 hole golf course drew guests, torn down for housing in 1971.
Died in 1837 and is buried here. He represented local farmers when John Jacob Astor filed suit to overturn forfeiture land sales. In 1832, after 45 years, settled by the United States Supreme Court.
Court martial convoy passed here after the Benedict Arnold treason. They met George Washington at West Point and Andre was hanged at Tappan, NY on October 2, 1780.
A heavily armored Monitor whichjoined the attack on Charlestonin 1864 during the Civil War. In1865 in the Battle for Fort Fisherit took 8 hits, no serious damage.
This Monument is to Honor All ThoseWho Fought and Died for Our Freedom.Persian-Gulf, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi FreedomAnd All Wars Against Terrorism.Dedicated May 29, 2006God Bless Our Fallen Soldiers