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"The gray granit rocks stand in pyramid monument & dome forms., here & there towering aloft. The road winds along between them. Emigrants names are written ... on these curious structures" — Augustus Ripley Burbank, Aug 4, 1849 Guidebook Av…
After dinner a ride of 2 miles brought us to the outlet of this romantic vale, a very narrow pass, just wide enough for a wagon, and on either side very high, jagged. and thin walls of granite.... This is called the "Pinnacle Pass." — J. Gol…
"A ride ... brought us to the outlet of this romantic vale, a very narrow pass - just wide enough for a wagon, and on either side very high, jagged and thin walls of granite ... called the 'Pinnacle Pass'" - J.G. Bruff, Aug 29, 1849
Guidebook A…
There are thousands of names here I registered on a large Rock. — Richard Augustus Keen at City of Rocks, June 22, 1852
Throughout the West emigrants recorded their passing by writing their names — often with axle grease — at…
Surrounded by high Rocky and very ragged looking mountains — this valley we take the liberty to call Pleasant Valley, as it is a very good and pleasant for camping. — Leander V. Loomis, circa 1850, describing the Circle Creek Basin. …
"Truly an Oasis in the Dessert" - John A Pritcherd July 6 1849
Elev. 4839
The Raft River Valley was used by Native Americans as a place to hunt and winter because the snow didn't lie in the valley and there was good water and plenty of grass for the animals. British and American trappers, Peter Skene Ogden, Milton Suble…
"We came onto the Subetts Cut Off road (Hudspeth Cutoff), or rather that cut off come onto our road which is the old and longest road." — Henry Anable, Aug 7, 1852
Guidebook Available
Trails West Inc. P.O. Box 12045, Reno NV 89510
"After crossing (Cassia Creek) we crossed a swamp, which required considerable persevering to get through safely. Three miles farther we encamped on the side of a hill, between two ranges of mountains" — Wakeman Bryarly, Jul 18, 1849
"August 26, Sabbath."
"... We got a late start traveled directly across the valley before us, (Almo Valley) amidst the best scenery we have seen since we have been among these hills. South, a high range of mountains (Raft River Mountains) speck…