You searched for City|State: malvern, pa
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These grounds have beenlandscaped by the citizensof theBorough of Malvernin memory of the boyswho made the supreme sacrificeWorld War II1941 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1945Richard V. LaRueCharles F. Morris ? ? ? Robert J. MillerLouis J. Colona ? ? ? Henry H. Bixler
This wall reconstructed in 1964 under the supervision of Raymond S. Cox and J. Gilmore Wilson. The wall contains some stones taken from the old foundations of the Ezekial Bowen log cabin which was standing and occupied by some American officers on…
In 1817, nearly 40 years after the Revolutionary War, the first parade commemorating the anniversary of the Paoli Massacre was held. More than 400 volunteer troops participated "in a slow solemn march."
Three years after the Civil War ended, on…
Since 1896, the 22-acre tract that is the final resting place for the victims of the Paoli Massacre has been under the watchcare and protection of the Paoli Memorial Association. In 1896, a small group of citizens petitioned the Court of Chester C…
On the morning after the battle, Colonel Adam Hubley of the 10th Pennsylvania wrote, "I sent my Major [Caleb North] with 4 of our Horsemen on the field who counted our Dead bodys, the enemy's were taken off?" The two or three British dead are beli…
During the early 1800's the cry "Remember Paoli!" stirred the hearts of listeners with personal memories of the harsh realities of war and lost loved ones. There was still an abiding desire to gather together on the anniversary of that memorable b…
You are standing at the rear of the camp where the wagons were parked. The steeple of the Baptist Church marks the approximate location of Picket Post #3, which guarded the right flank.
Lieutenant Samuel Brady was with Picket #3: "Brady was on …
Other local historic sites of interest1. General Warren Inn(Formerly the Warren Tavern)
2. WaynesboroughRestored home of General Wayne
3. Valley Forge National Historical Park
4. St. Peter's in the Great ValleyEpiscopal Church
5. Great…
Because of a heroic rear guard action, Wayne was able to escape the Battle of Paoli with 1900 men. The survivors of Paoli never forgot the horror of that night. Indeed, it inspired them to fight with a vengeance at the Battle of Germantown, where …
The land on which the Battle of Paoli was fought has been farmland and woodland since the mid-18th century. Ezekiel Bowen, a farmer of Welsh descent, purchased this land in 1764. County records note that he sold it to Richard Mason of Philadelphia…