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Page 11 of 21 — Showing results 101 to 110 of 203
August 30, 18623:15 p.m.
Jackson's Division (Starke), Left Wing (Jackson)Army of Northern Virgina, CSA
Fourth BrigadeCol. Leroy A. Stafford1st Louisiana 10th Louisiana2nd Louisiana 15th Louisiana9th Louisiana Coppens' Battalion"The Federal l…
August 30, 18623:15 p.m.
1st Brigade (Sullivan), First Division (Hatch)Third Corps (McDowell), Army of Virginia, USA
24th New York Infantry("Oswego Regiment")Maj. Andrew Barney"Those of us on the embankment were too few to even attempt to dr…
August 29 and 30, 1862
Federal Artillery PositionsFrom the John Dogan House northward to this point, Union batteries occupied this ridge throughout the Second Battle of Manassas. At one time on August 30 more than thirty guns were firing from t…
August 29 & 30, 1862
Headquarters, Army of Virginia, USA
Pope's Headquarters
Headquarters, Army of Virginia, USA1:00 p.m. August 29 to 6:00 p.m. August 30, 1862"There were no tents, nothing to mark the spot except a cracker box or two for…
T. L. Dunklin,of Co. E. 4th. Texas Regt.Born at Abberdeen Miss.March 25th. 1841,Fell at 2nd. Battleof Mannassas, Aug. 30th. 1862;Defending his Country.———
On the afternoon of August 30, 1862, the rolling fields of John Dogan's farm, "Rosefield," formed a crucial defensive position for General John Pope's Union Army of Virginia. As General James Longstreet's Confederate attack swept onto Chinn Ridge,…
During the Civil War, the William M. Lewis plantation "Brownsville" consisted of 400 acres of land, a large family residence, and numerous outbuildings. Four of the buildings housed a total of twenty-two slaves. Here stood the main house, referred…
14th Regiment N.Y.S.M. (84th Regiment N.Y. Vols.) This monument is erected in commemoration of the dead of the regiment in the battles of First Bull Run, July 21, 1861 · Gainesville, August 28, 1862 · Groveton, August 29, 1862 &middo…
In August 1862, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson from the Rappahannock River to keep Gen. John Pope's and Gen. George B. McClellan's Union armies from uniting. Jackson marched on Aug. 25, and Lee followed t…
In Aug. 1862, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson from the Rappahannock River to keep Gen. John Pope's and Gen. George B. McClellan's armies from uniting. Jackson marched on Aug. 25, and Lee followed the next …