You searched for City|State: mansfield, nj
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The Keeler Oak Tree is a white oak (Genus Quercus Species Alba. 88' tall and a drip line of 120'. This 300 year old tree was witness to the Colonial troops and Hessian soldiers as they marched through Black horse to Petticoat bridge where a famous…
British Corporal John Fisher, 28th. Regimentwho had deserted the British to join the Rebelswas caught, tried and convicted. He was hungat 10 AM June 22, 1778
The Keeler Oak is a White Oak(Genus: Quercus, Species: alba)88' tall with a drip line of 120'.This 300 year old tree was witnessto the Colonial troops and Hessiansoldiers as they marched throughBlack Horse down to Petticoat Bridgewhere a famous sk…