Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: marcus hook, pa

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DedicatedTo Those Of The First Wardwho served their country to preservethe four essential human freedoms 1941 World War II 1945Armed Forces [and] Merchant Marine [Honor Roll of Names] 1950 Korean Conflict 1953[Honor Roll of Names] In M…
In honor of our brave heroeswho answered their country's callin the World War and in thename of God achieved victory -thus perpetuatedThe Freedom of Mankind [Honor Roll of those killed in actionor died in service] John McKenna · Percy…
Born Marcus Hook, Pa. April 22, 1918U. S. Navy Veteran Two-Time American LeagueBatting Champion1946 · .3531953 · .337Played in Major leagues in Four DecadesSeven-time American League All-StarLifetime BA of .2862,495 Hits .... 1,311 R…
Erected by the citizens of Marcus Hookin memory of and in honor of the heroicmen and women as a tribute to the selfsacrifice they displayed in our country'sservice in World War II 1941- 1945(List of Names)
First port of call for Philadelphia shipping. First settled by Swedes, it was named by the Dutch, 1655-64, Marreties Hoeck.