You searched for City|State: mason city, ia
Showing results 1 to 10 of 12
Dedicated to the memory of
the men who entered the
service of their country
from Cerro Gordo County
and who gave their lives
in the World War
[Dedicated] June 24, 1934
Pleasant Hill, La.
O. A. Wilson, Co. B. 32d Iowa,
Died of wounds received at
Pleasant Hill, La. 1864.
Samuel Robins, Co. B. 32d Iowa,
Killed by a falling building
at Eastpoint, Miss. Jan. 22, 1865.
Lieut. W. C. Stanbery, Co. B. 32d Iowa,
To all veterans that have served during peacetime and conflicts in the Armed Forces of the United States.
To the mothers, fathers, and families whose sons and daughters have made the supreme sacrifice.
To those veterans who still suffer the wo…
In memory of those who
fought and served honorably
to keep our
United States free
Memorial Day of 1984
who volunteered their services
and gave their lives in the
War of 1898
With the faith and courage of
their forefathers who made
possible the freedom of these
United States
The Boy Scouts of America
dedicate this replica of the
Statue of Liberty as a pledge
of everlasting fidelity and
40th Anniversa…
[Left Panel]
Steam railroad history began in 1869 for Mason City when the McGregor & Missouri River Rwy laid track from Nora Springs to Clear Lake and became part of the effort to link Chicago with South Dakota, and in 1870-71 when the Mason City…
Minneapolis & St. Louis #457 History
1912 American Locomotive Company of Schenectady, N.Y. built the 457 for the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad at a cost of $18,456.03. The Consolidation type locomotive served 38 years for the M&StL, used in …
Frank Lloyd Wright
Prairie School Architecture
In Mason City
This Property is Listed in
The National Register of Historic Places
U.S. Department of [the] Interior
This property is listed in the
National Register of Historic Places