You searched for City|State: mchenry, md
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(1753-1816) Aide to Gen. George Washington during the revolution, McHenry was a physician, signer of the constitution from Maryland and Secretary of War from 1796-1800. Named in his honor was the Baltimore fort that withstood the British bombardme…
1029 acres, purchased June 28, 1927, from John O. Thayer; from Hunter's License Fund, for the purpose of propagating game.
". . . so many happy people, restless in the midst of abundance." —Alexis de Tocqueville, 1840.
Americans are an adventurous people. Frompast to present, they have used feet, horses,wagons, stagecoaches, canals, railroads,bicycles, automo…
After stunning victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia, early in May 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee carried the war through Maryland, across the Mason and Dixon Line and into Pennsylvania. His infantry marched north throug…