You searched for City|State: medford, nj
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Built by Ephraim Strattonc. 1830 in the style of atownhouse at Crossroads, whichwas the hub of Upper Evesham.Tolls were collected here onthe Medford-Mt. Holly Turnpike.1847-1997
David Oliphant bought thesawmill / gristmill complexin 1763. Five generationsof Oliphants operated themill for over 90 years.
Adonijah Peacock died inJanuary 1777 while dryinga shipment of gunpowderrejected by Washington'sValley Forge Quartermaster.
This 1790's farmhouse wasbuilt by John Peacock.The homestead has beencontinuously in useas an operating farmsince that time.
Purchased for $120 by Eveshamin 1813 from Enoch and HannahStratton for a public buryingground. Became part of Medfordupon the founding of thetownship in 1847.1847-1997
In the 1830's James Still,Herbal Doctor of the Pines,attended here. Theearliest of Medford'sfour rural one-roomschools, it closed in 1918.
About 1860, James Still,"The Black Doctor of the Pines"a self-taught son of slaves,made and dispensed his famousherbal remedies from this site1847-1997
On February 4, 1847 Medford wasset apart from Evesham Townshipand on March 9, 1847 the firstmeeting of Medford Township washeld here at Crossroads, nearthe earliest homes.1847-1997
The oldest house in Medfordis on land patented to thebuilder's father in 1682. Thewest section was built c. 1690,with later additions. It wasin the Haines family until 1919.1847-1997
Many generations of thePrickitt family called itPrickittown. Several houses inthe area date to the 18thcentury.1847-1997