You searched for City|State: medford, nj
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From 1881 to 1931 this formerrailroad station served the12-mile line to Haddonfield.Milk, produce, passengersand mail were carried untilthe era of cars and trucks.
This church was built in 1875.Dr. A. E. Scheibner had hisoffice here from 1969 until 1992.In 2000 it was converted by hisdaughter into her ownrestored historic home.
In 1678, the tract was 40,000acres. The present 1743 housewas built by the Hewlingsfamily near the earlier mill.Signs of an early Indian campground exist across the road.1847-1997
In 1777 Benjamin Thomas wasgranted a license to keepone of the first tavernsnear Medford at Cross Keys,now Fairview.
22 company-owned houseswere built c. 1850 to 1864.Corner fireplaces providedheat and 3 outdoor wellssupplied water. Rent was$5.00 to $6.00 per month.
Adonijah Peacock, a casualty ofthe gunpowder explosion of 1777lies here among severalgenerations of his familydescendants.1847-1997
A chair parts factoryand a sawmill operatedhere from 1845 to 1890.Chairville's one-roomschool served childrenin the area until 1900.
The "Miller's House", firstmentioned in a 1787 Hainesfamily will, remained in theHaines family until William S.Kirby purchased the millproperties in 1877.1847 - 1997
Started by John Haines in 1778,as a grist mill, the settlementgrew to include a sawmill, asmithy, a wheelwright shop, anda cider mill.1847 - 1997
This early simply detailedframe house was the home of the sawmill foreman at themill complex. With the milland the "Miller's House" itis on the National Register.1847 - 1997