You searched for City|State: milan, oh
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....had its origin in the Revolutionary War. Connecticut towns were burned in the historic raids of Benedict Arnold and British General Tyron. 500,000 acres in the Western Reserve were awarded by the Connecticut Assembly in 1792 to indemnify the f…
Birthplace of Thomas A. Edison, February 11, 1847. A Moravian village, Peguotting, 1804-1809. First permanent white settlers came in 1816. Milan village platted, 1817; incorporated February 23, 1833. Ships canal to lake completed July 4, 1839 made…
My recollections of Milan are somewhat scanty as I left the town when I was not quite seven years old. I remember the wheat elevators on the canal, and Gay shipyard; also the launching of new boats, on which occasion the piece of land called the "…
One of America's most prolific and important inventors, Thomas Alva Edison was born in this house in 1847. Designed by his father, Samuel Edison, a shingle maker by trade, this small gabled brick cottage was built in 1841. Though the Edisons moved…
Milan was a leading Great Lakes port after the completion of the 3-mile Milan Canal in 1839. Center of activity was the Milan Basin at this site where produce was brought from area farms for shipment to lake and world ports through 14 warehouses b…