Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: montague, ca

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Dedicated to the memory of the Pioneers of Little Shasta Valley who raised this House to the Glory of God. On March 5, 1876 The Little Shasta Congregational Church was formed. It was in 1877 that the first subscriptions were taken for the p…
Site Of Schmitt Bros. Mill 1930 - 1939
"Made a drive of 20 miles and campt by what are called Sheep Rock Springs, at the head of Shasta River Valley and about 30 miles from our destination, Yreka City." - James S, Cowden, Oct 10, 1853
"The first day of October we journeyed west fourteen miles to the Snelling Ranch, now called the Hurd Ranch, near Sheep Rock, Shasta Valley." - Andrew Soule, Oct 1, 1854
Here along the Oregon-California Stage Road of 1856, a new road east to Linkville, now Kalamath Falls, was built in 1876.With the arrival of the Central Pacific Railroad in 1887, Jerome B. Ager saw a need for a hotel, general store, saloon and dan…
On January 17, 1887 L.D. Norton, Assistant Engineer for the Southern Pacific Company, began to layout this townsite named in honor of Samuel S. Montague who was Chief Engineer of the Central Pacific Railroad most noted for his skillful engineering…
A small settlement started here in the 1880's with two stores. A post office (established in 1888), saloon, blacksmith shop, slaughter-house, meat market, harness shop, race track, ball park and a few houses. Farther east was a grist mill. The pos…