Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: montrose, wv

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Confederate forces retreated from this area after the "Philippi Races" (June 3, 1861), first land battle of the Civil War. At Huttonsville, 26 miles south, Confederate General Robert S. Garnett took command of the Army of the Northwest. His goal w…
Battle of Laurel Hill, July 8, 1861, between Confederates and McClellan's army, followed by actions at Rich Mountain and Corrick's Ford, gave Federals control of State and established communication lines to the West. Fine view from peak.
(East Side):Randolph CountyFormed from Harrison in 1787. Named for Edmund Jennings Randolph, Virginia statesman and soldier. Largest county in the State. Federal dominance of the Tygart's Valley in War between the states largely determined control…
The Seneca Trail, or Warriors' Path, was the Indian highway from New York to the South. In West Virginia, it followed in general the Alleghenies and this trail, made by moccasined feet centuries ago, may be seen at many points today.