Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: moundsville, wv

Showing results 1 to 10 of 15
Erected byThe County CourtofMarshall County West Virginiato commemorate itsvolunteers in theSpanish-American War They served that others might be free
Old Brick School HouseBuilt 1833Here in 1835 was assembled theFirst County Court in Elizabethtown
Dedicated to the Recipients of theNations oldest military decorationThe Purple Heart Combat Veterans Wounded1782 Military Order ofThe Purple Heart 1932 My stone is red forThe blood they shed.The Medal I bearis my country's wayto show they ca…
Erected ByThe County Courtof Marshall County,West VirginiaTo Commemorate the ServiceMen and Women of MarshallCounty in the World War1917 - 1919The tumult and the shouting dies-Lord God of Hosts - Be with us yetlest we forget - Lest we forget
Established, 1866, A prison formen and women convicted offelonies until prison for wom-en was established at PenceSprings, 1947. Capital criminalswere hanged here, 1889-1950.Electric chair used until deathpenalty was abolished. 1965.
This world-famous burial mound wasbuilt by the Adena people sometimebefore the Christian Era. The moundwas originally 69 feet high, 295 feetin diameter, and was encircled by amoat. There were many mounds in thearea-hence the city's name: Mounds-vi…
This tract of 587 acres inRound Bottom was patentedby George Washington in 1784after a purchase of warrantsheld by officers of the Frenchand Indian War. Washingtonsold these lands in 1798 toArchibald McClean
In 1772, George RogersClark explored the Ohioand Great Kanawha riversHe stayed the winter here,planted and harvested acrop, and carried out muchsurveying. Riflemen fromthe region aided him inwinning the Northwest in1778-1779.
General Zachary Taylor, onhis way to Washington tobe inaugurated as the 12thPresident of the U.S., foundhis steamer blocked by icehere. He left his boat andcompleted his trip over theNational Pike.
Site of blockhouse built byCaptain John Baker in 1784.Rendezvous of scouts alongIndian war path from MuskingumValley into Virginia. Near by areburied Captain Baker, JohnWetzel, and others killed byIndians in 1787.