You searched for City|State: new carlisle, in
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
In Memory Of
The Unknown Dead
Soldiers, Sailors
And Marines
Of The
War of the Rebellion
1861 - 1865
New Carlisle founded by Richard Carlisle in 1835 on ground originally obtained from the Potawatami Indians by Lazarus Bourissa.
Incorporated 1866
In Honor of Those Who Served Their Country in World War II
Accoe, Evelyn · Accoe, George · Accoe, Richard · Adams, Gilbert · Adams, Sherman · ★ Aiken, William · Alm, Albert · Alm, Richard &midd…
—Lincoln Highway—
The Nation First Coast-to-Coast Auto Road
Once called the Main Street Across America, it all began on September 10, 1912, when a group of industrialists led by Carl Fisher of Indianapolis Motor Speedway fame, envisi…
"This tablet marks the site ofHamilton Methodist Church"Organized in 1830Erected in 1838One of the earliest churchesin northern IndianaSoldiers of theAmerican Revolution, War of 1812andevery major conflict buried here
Hamilton Church CemeteryEstablished 1830
A Historic Cemetery Listed in Indiana's Cemetery and Burial Grounds Registry of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Installed 2013 Indiana Historical Bureau and Schuyler Colfax Chapter, D.A.R.…
In 1926 the Studebaker Corporation purchased 850 acres from area farmers to develop an automobile proving ground. This same year, the Clubhouse was built for employee lodging, including a caretaker's apartment. The Clubhouse transformed over the n…