You searched for City|State: new york, ny
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[Panel 1]:In memory of the Americans of Chinese ancestry who lost their lives in defense of freedom and democracy.[Chinese characters and insignia of the American Legion.]
[Panel 2]:Dedicated by the Lt. Benj. Ralph Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post …
In 1783 the Black Horse Inn stood on this site and the Bull's Head Tavern adjoined it. Here General George Washington began his triumphal march into the city upon its evacuation by the British November 25, 1783. The Citizens Savings Bank, organize…
Kehila Kedosha Janina was built in 1926-27 by Greek-speaking Jews from Northwestern Greece and is the only Romaniote synagogue in the Western Hemisphere. The brick-faced facade is embellished with symbolic Hebraic ornaments, including a stone rend…
The American Institute of Architects was founded on this site February 23, 1857 by thirteen architects of ideals and vision. Throughout the years its members have contributed to the advancement of architecture and have encouraged the development o…
Erected by theNew York StateSociety of the CincinnatiTo the Memory ofAlexander Hamilton1757 - 1804Lieutenant ColonelAide de Camp to Gen. WashingtonAnd Those Other Officers of the Continental Army & Navy Original Members of the Society Whose Remain…
< City Hall to U.S.Capitol >City HallNew York's second City Hall was completed 1700, using stones salvaged from the just-demolished wall after which Wall Street is named. Abraham De Peyster donated the site to the city, enhancing the value of his …
In memory ofCaptain James Lawrenceof the United States Navy,Who fell on the 1st day of June 1813, in the 32nd year of his age, in the action between the frigates Chesapeake and Shannon. He was distinguished on various occasions, but especially whe…
This 1898 firehouse, designed by Ernest Flagg and W.B. Chambers, is a striking example of the French Beaux Arts style of architecture. At the time of construction it was also the headquarters of the Chief of the Fire Department. The colorful and f…
This site possesses national significance in commemorating the history of the United States of America.
Here workers exercised their rights to free speech and assembly and on September 5, 1882, observed the first Labor Day.
At the corner of Wall and Broad streets, the financial crossroads of the world, sits the House of Morgan. J. Pierpont Morgan, Sr., the capitalist's capitalist - known throughout the world of finance, sought out by presidents and potentates - helpe…