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Page 73 of 78 — Showing results 721 to 730 of 779
Eugene O'NeillOctober 16, 1888 — November 27, 1953
America's greatest playwright was bornon this site then called Barrett House
From its humble beginnings on 14th Street, Macy's moved in 1902 to this historic site on Herald Square which became "The World's Largest Store," and the flagship for Macy's stores nationwide.
This richly ornamented apartment house, built in 1907-1909, is unique in the city. The architects, Harde & Short, took full advantage of the economies of terra cotta, a material then much in vogue. A single mold could be used time and again for ca…
Designed by the prominent American architect Ernest Flagg (1857-1947), this building was constructed as a store and offices in 1912-13 for Charles Scribner's Sons, one of America's most prestigious publishing houses. Flagg, an exponent of French B…
Designed by Robert W. Gibson as the residence of Morton F. Plant, this building was constructed in 1904. Messrs. Cartier acquired it in 1917 and after modification by William Welles Bosworth, it was occupied by the firm of Cartier, founded in Pari…
Built in 1925-27 on Fifth Avenue, Manhattan's most prestigious commercial thoroughfare, this elegant Neo-Classical structure was designed by Warren & Wetmore, the architects of Grand Central Terminal. Clad with Indiana limestone and marble, the fa…
Designed by Henry J. Hardenbergh in French Renaissance Style. The Plaza opened its doors on October 1, 1907. Among original residents were members of the Gould, Harriman and Vanderbilt families. An earlier Plaza Hotel opened at this location in 18…
Founded by refugee French Huguenots in New Amsterdam in 1628 and moved to this site in 1940. This plaque was dedicated by their descendants and the congregation of St. Esprit to mark the four-hundredth anniversary of the Edict of Nantes 1598 and e…
The New York Life Insurance Company commissioned the architects Mayer & Whittesley and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill to design Manhattan House in 1951. The building reflects the theories of Le Corbusier, the renowned 20th Century French architect. On…
Once the tallest residential building in New York City, the Ritz Tower was constructed in 1925-27 by journalist Arthur Brisbane, an employee and friend of William Randolph Hearst. Designed by Emery Roth in collaboration with Thomas Hastings, the b…