Historical Marker Search

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In 1906 this house became the home of J. Thomas Newsome (1872-1942) and his wife Mary. A lawyer, churchman and newspaper editor, Newsome was an early advocate for Huntington High School and also formed the Colored Voters League of Warwick County. …
The Owners This house has served two families. It was built in 1899 by Dr. William R. Granger as a residence for his large family. In 1906, Granger sold igt to Joseph Thomas Newsome and his wife Mary. Mr. Newsome was a newly arrived attorney w…
Born here in Newport News 25 Apr. 1917, Ella Fitzgerald, known as Lady Ella or the First Lady of Song, was considered one of the most influential jazz vocalists of the 20th century. Her three-octave vocal range and improvisational ability in scat …
Gregory Cherry was a man whose love for Newport News and the Southeast Community expressed itself in many ways. He served in the United States Army as an NCO Congressional Escort and in the prestigious Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps. He returned to…
Arriving in the year 1001, Liefr Eiriksson is believed to be the first European to set foot in North America. This sculpture was presented to The Mariners' Museum by the Eiriksson Memorial Committee of the National League of Icelanders in Ameri…
Captain Christopher Newport (1561 - 1617) was an English seaman and privateer who commanded the expedition reprehensible for the founding of Jamestown in the Virginia Colony in 1607. He was the Captain of the Susan Constant, the largest of the thr…
Madam Annie B. Daniels is known for her untiring humanitarian service and her contributions to the general welfare of the city. Her persuasiveness in working with people of various backgrounds has created greater understanding among diverse groups…
Established in 1891 as a private library for Newport News, its books were housed at various sites until a permanenet public facility opened on Oct. 14, 1929, on West Avenue. The library was built with funds from the city and library board on prope…
In 1935 a seedling from the Emancipation Oak was planted at Booker T. Washington Elementary School. The Emancipation Oak, also known as the Butler Oak, is located on the campus of Hampton Institute (now Hampton University) in Hampton, Virginia.…
A Native of Newport News - born March 29, 1918. Served as United States Delegate to the United Nations. Awarded First Order of Arts by President of Egypt. Appointed Ambassador of Love by President Nixon. Received the highest civilian honor - Medal…
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