Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: norwood, nj

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Built about 1890 in the High Victorian style of architecture when Norwood was part of old Harrington Township. Blauvelt was an undertaker and erected the building as a residence. In 1922 it became the home of Charles S. Gray who served as Mayor of…
"This millstone is the only visible marker of the Baylor Massacre in existence today. On September 28, 1778, a detail of Baylor's Continental Dragoons camping at Haring's Tannery in River Vale was betrayed into the hands of the British by a Tory a…
Six soldiers of those killed in the Baylor Massacre were buried here in three abandoned tan vats. The vats were part of a small tan yard which existed here before the Revolution.The gravesite was discovered in 1967 and the soldiers were re-interre…