You searched for City|State: omaha, ga
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Three miles west on the Chattahoochee River was Oconee Village, home of the Oconee Indians from 1715 to 1799. Their Chief Oueekachumfa or Long King signed the treaty with General Oglethorpe at Cowetah, August 21, 1739. In the 1750s, led by Chief S…
On this site was fought the battle of Shepherd's Plantation between Creek Indians and pioneer settlers aided by volunteer soldiers stationed at Forts Ingersol, Jones and McCreary under Major Henry W. Jernigan and Captain Hamilton Garmany. On a sep…
Fort Jones, a stockade fort built during the Creek uprising of 1836, stood on this site. After the burning of Roanoke, the frightened settlers sought refuge in its blockhouse, built of upright skinned logs with high windows for gun holes. The fort…
Roanoke, ½ mile west of here on the east bank of the Chattahoochee River was originally an Indian village. Incorporated in 1832 with about 30 families, a post office and several stores, it became a thriving white settlement. Roanoke was attac…
One mile north of here is the site of Fort McCreary built for the defense of Georgia's frontier along the Chattahoochee River. During the Creek Indian War of 1836 it was garrisoned by the U. S. soldiers and Georgia Volunteers under command of Gen.…